Archive for January, 2007


I am leaving for a couple of days to go visit a friend in Pazardzhik. It is about two hours away from here by train. She is a teacher so I will spend some time in her school and then just seeing yet another Bulagarian town. Poor Mark. he’ll be so lonely. He’ll have to […]

Michelle Kwan, I Am Not

In my ongoing effort to somehow participate in some Olympic Games somewhere, I decided to take up ice skating. Ok, well, I didn’t really “take it up”. I was invited to a good old-fashioned ice skating party in an old hockey rink. And….as you might expect for this part of the world, the roof was […]

Passing the Time

So…there isn’t much to do here in the winter, except stare out the window and curse the neverending rain, or to persuade it to turn into snow. Although, at the present moment, it is refusing to freeze itself into powdery snowflakes, and so I continue to curse it. I have found some diversion, though. Besides […]

Don’t Believe That Weather Thing-y

Because it says that the current condition is 12 degrees Celsius and Partly Cloudy with winds at 6 km/hr.  Lies.  All lies.  It’s more like 8 degrees Celsius with huge wind gusts that turn the temperature into something more like 0 or minus something and make it sound like our entire apartment building will topple […]

The Wonders of Modern Technology

We experienced a major communications breakthrough on Sunday evening–the video teleconference using Mark and I were able to successfully watch and talk to my brother, his wife and almost-two year old son at the same time. It’s almost as good as being at home. Almost. They showed me their Starbucks cups and explained in […]

Working on the Night Train

Well…I thought this was the title of that 70s song Mark is always humming around the flat with his hair peaked in front, shirt half buttoned, and gold chains dangling, but he insists it’s actually called “Working on my Night Moves” and deals with some guy’s awkward teenage blues. And that doesn’t work with my […]

In Honor of Dr. King

Since most of you had yesterday off to celebrate/memorialize Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his role in the Civil Rights Movement, I thought I would do a serious post (gasp!) on the race relations here in Bulgaria. In living here, where there is almost no desire to integrate the “minority” population, I have a […]

Charged Up, Charged Out

Oh, those pesky Chargers! They wait until the season we are gone to have one of the best seasons EVER and go to the playoffs. As you can imagine, American football…not so popular over here. Actually, not even hardly known over here. So when we want to watch a game, we usually have to wait […]

The Time Has Come…

…for me to tell the story of our travels here. Although, seeing as how we are still deeply and legally embroiled in the visa disaster of 2006/2007, I will not be discussing that aspect. After all, this is a publicly viewed site and there are some things better left unsaid until they get “dealt with”. […]

Things That Make you Go Hmmmmmmm!

Can you figure out the problem here? Hey, while you’re here, looking around, check out the photo gallery. I added a few new albums. Also I changed some of the links on the side. Look around. Stay a while….