Archive for January, 2007

Zavet: Small Town Bulgaria

We went. We saw. We conquered. And that was all in the first two hours we were there. The question is: What did we do the whole next day? So, you get the idea. Zavet was, well, small. More than small. Tiny. Miniscule. Microscopic. And yet, we were there for one whole night and one […]

Village People

Everyone here tells us that you can’t have the “true Bulgarian experience” unless you stay in a small village at least once. So, off we go. to a very small village called Tsavet for the weekend. It is a 6 hour bus ride there (ouch! I know, but there should be some beautiful scenery). We […]

Chestita Nova Godina 2007!!

Happy New Year! And welcome to the E.U, Bulgaria! For a variety of reasons, there was a gi-normous party out on the streets of Sofia on New Year’s Eve. Firstly, New Year’s is THE holiday here. Since there was no Christmas during the 50 years of Communism, the big celebration around here was New Year’s […]