Archive for April, 2007

Subbing Schmubbing

I am officially….A SUBSTITUTE TEACHER. As in, the-phone-rings-at-5am to-tell-you-you-are-working substitute. Yeah, that kind. I have worked in almost all the grade levels, including 6th and KINDER!!!!!! I prefer 6th. Really. I will take “love” over “urine” any day of the week. So, mostly I just work at Logan (HI LOGAN!!!! I miss you guys!!) But […]

Family Reunion ’07

One of the hardest parts of moving to Bulgaria has been leaving our dogs behind. Sure, we had Houndsome with us and he was a barrel of laughs. But we also have two other, sweet, sweet black Labs that we left with friends and family. One of our dogs–our girl, Lola–was living with another dog […]

Sweet, Sweet Vengeance

The Revenge of “Sissy” Yup. That’s right. I made a mobile of all Barack pictures along with a sticker I got at a street fair that said “Democrats Value All Families” with the gay/lesbian rainbow symbol and hung it in the kid’s room. Heh. Heh.


So, since we have been here, we have been staying with my brother, sister-in-law, and two year old nephew. Technically, he’s not two yet, but he will be in a couple of weeks. His name is Daniel, but we have renamed him Diggy, after Rev Run’s son Daniel who they call Diggy. Don’t ask…. Diggy […]

Things You’re Missing Out On…

…probably because I am not writing about them. Man! I’m soooo busy here. Well, ok, that may be an exaggeration because I lose a couple hours a day just hanging out with my 2 year old nephew. But other than that I am kind of busy. But, here are some stories I am going to […]