Archive for July, 2007

Best of Times/Worst of Times: Vienna

Today’s feature: Vienna Best of Times: * The opera, baby! I tease that I was all cultured and stuff, but really, it was fun to see an opera in Vienna. This is the opera we saw and we paid 4 euro, or about $6 to stand the whole time and watch it. But it was […]

Best of Times/Worst of Times: Prague

Today’s Dickens feature is: Prague Best of Times * THE FOOD!  We had one of the best meals of the whole trip here.  I had a goulash with knedli, which are like giant dumplings, and my friends had duck.  It was cold and rainy outside and we had walked quite a ways in the wetness, […]

Best of Times/Worst of Times: Croatia

So….I am uploading pictures of my fantastic European Adventure daily. There are a lot of them, so it takes a while to do. While I was monotonously uploading, renaming, captioning, and ordering photos, I had a brilliant idea. Are you ready? Each day that I create an album in the Gallery for a stop on […]

A Picture Ode to our Hound

Well, we knew the day would come when we would outlive our hound. And it has happened. A couple of days ago, Guiseppe (who is at home in San Diego) slipped a disc/some discs in his back. This is a problem among elderly bassets and we had it happen with our other basset, Tank. Turns […]


Did I mention it is super hot here? Oh, I did? Well, I must mention it again. REALLY HOT! And it is seriously affecting my productivity levels. I know, I know…what productivity, you say?? I mean, I AM in temporary retirement, so how productive need I be? Believe it or not, I have a lot […]

Santee–Eastern Bloc Style

As most of you know (and for those of you who don’t, consider this my confession), I grew up in a small suburb of San Diego called Santee. Loganites–stop laughing at me! And as much as I tease Santee for being a small town and oh-so conservative, I really did have an excellent childhood there. […]

Mother In Law Diaries, Days 6-9

Since we spent all these days at the Black Sea, it makes sense to lump them together. Day 6 We headed to Albena, a resort at the Black Sea by plane. We got to the airport nice and early and had an easy check-in. And then we waited and waited and…waited. First in one area […]

Mother In Law Diaries, Day 5

And we’re back where left off those oh-so many weeks ago before I left for my European Extravanganza….back to the visit from Linda, Mark’s mom. When I left, we were on Day 4, our adventure to Rila Monastery….you will recall that??? So, we clearly needed a day of rest before another major adventure, such as […]

The Consummate Narcissist

So…I learned that when you travel alone, you can’t really get too many pictures of yourself. And I like scenery shots as much as the next person…that is to say that they get boring after a while and sometimes you just want to see a familiar face. Plus, you have to prove you were actually […]

School’s Out…For The Summer

All you oldies–you know the song I am referencing, don’t act like you don’t!! So, Logan Elementary is almost out of school for the summer. And I can already tell they are excited. So this is where I do the obligatory teacher thing and give all you kids summer advice: 1. READ. Feel free to […]