Archive for August, 2007


Still here….still kicking…still no Spain and Canada pictures. Sorry. This work thing is really taking over my life. And let’s just say that it hasn’t exactly been “easing back into” the place. Ooooohhhhhhh noooooooooo. It’s been just short of solid misery, what with my relaxed, chill-out, been-on-vacation-for-like-12-months state of mind juxtaposed with the ugly demands […]

All At Once

We are nearing the end of our year here, and therefore, the end of the blog. I have put up a few posts today to try to encapsulate our time here in Victoria. In the next few days I hope to have time to post all the Spain and Canada pictures in the Gallery (they […]

The Other Day…

…I saw a bear. Do you know that song? We used to sing it when I was in Girl Scouts when I was young. Well, it is now more than just a song to me! I saw a real live bear the other day. Not just one, but two!!!!!!! Big, ginormous, hungry, blackberry-eating black bears. […]

Not-So-Deadliest Catch

So the beauty of actually knowing people here in Victoria is that we get to do things not usually found on the tourist agenda. For example, today we played like we were on the Discovery Channel and went out crabbing in the Bering Sea ocean inlet. I opted to refer to our rig as the […]

Bulgaria: A Year in (Photo) Review

Here is the post I had planned to put up before our last internet outage in BG.  It is a selection of some photos that pretty much sum up the year.  No words, just pictures…                                  

Oooohhhhh Canada!

Well, we’ve crossed the ocean. And what a crossing it was! I had fretted the entire evening prior to leaving about the whole weight of the bags versus how many checked bags, etc thing. You see, we flew British Airways this time because, well, frankly I have had it with United. We used up our […]


Before I tell you how terrific Spain and Barcelona are, I must vent one small thing.  The language here.  The whole s/th thing drives me CRAZY.  Gracias is grathias.  Barcelona is Barthelona.  You get the idea.  Now I can adjust to this.  But when we went to Barcelona, the language changed completely…to Catalan (I think […]

Viva Espana!!

Well…here we are, in Spain.  But before I tell you about Spain, I must first tell you about our ironic last day in Bulgaria.  I had all these photos loaded up and ready to post here on the blog as a sort of visual montage to the year, and, of course….the internet went caput!  Also, […]

The Daily Walk

I’ve been meaning to photo-journal my daily walk to and from Mark’s office–my main source of daily exercise. But it was raining or I kept forgetting my camera or, or, or….you get the idea. Well, I finally did it. So here it is: From our flat, I go out to the corner and turn left. […]

T Minus 2 1/2

Time to start packing and cleaning baby.  I’m off to start.  The landlords are coming to inspect the place Thursday morning, so all must be done by then.  And it will, beeeeeelieeeeeeve me. So I’m off.  Out!