Life in BG mark on 07 Jun 2007 06:30 pm
A Small Excursion
Well, I am leaving Mark behind for the weekend to visit this place. Veliko Turnovo was once–apparently–the capital of Bulgaria. A friend I met (perhaps you remember me talking about Kanye?? a pseudonym for another American here who did an…ummm, well….interesting….version of Kanye West’s Golddigger at a Bulgarian karaoke night???) asked me if I would like to check the place out. She also is a teacher back home, but she did this weird thing where they trade jobs, meaning she is teaching in place of the Bulgarian teacher and the Bulgarian teacher is teaching in her place.
But I digress. We are taking a bus to a bus kind of a thing and we will be staying in a hostel–a new experience for me. Though, nowadays, you can even see pictures of hostels online. So I’ve checked the place out and it looks cool. We will share one room between the two of us and share a bathroom with the others who are staying there. It will probably be another adventure for me…but perhaps nothing quite as adventurous as the small village (remember Zavet?) with two main roads and more donkeys, chicken and sheep than people. I’ll be sure to photo the place thoroughly and bring back my tales.
on 11 Jun 2007 at 4:47 pm # Debbie
I hope you enjoyed your stay in Veliko Turnovo. My son is living in Ruse right now but tries to get to Veliko as often as possible. He sent us a great picture of himself sitting behind a waterfall that was a short hike up into the hills outside the town. I have been reading your blog for the past several months and am thoroughly enjoying it.