Life in BG mark on 20 Oct 2006 06:09 am
Arctic Chill
Well, the moment you have all been waiting for is here. The day when we freeze. You warned me about it before I left, worried I would throw in the down jacket thermal underwear towel and come home. But notice, I am still here, in 0 degrees Celsius (32F). No siree. I will not give up!
Even if our heater doesn’t work yet because the city government decides when to turn it on (as if they know when I am cold).
Even if our bedroom windows are all icy and the condensation leaks into the room.
Even if my teeth chatter so much, I actually chip small pieces of enamel right off.
I WILL NOT GIVE UP! I will adapt, improvise, overcome.
I offer you proof of my ability to evolve from a warm, flip-flop wearing San Diegan into a frosty Bulgarian polar bear. Here are pictures of how I prepare to sleep. What you don’t see are the second layer of thermal underwear underneath the sweats and turtleneck (hence the added bulk—at least that’s the excuse I’m using) and the double layer of socks:
Even the Vladi, the Bulgarian hound, must bundle up:
***As I write this, I hear the heater gurgling….might it spring to life???
***Oh yeah, and I should mention that part of the city got their heat turned on almost a week ago. Clearly, not our part…do you think it was something I said?
on 21 Oct 2006 at 5:06 pm # Brenda
I can’t believe you are not throwing in the towel yet. I would be. Maybe you should put a t-shirt on the hound and he could look like Lola.
on 21 Oct 2006 at 5:19 pm # gabrielle
you have red eye my moms in the hospital because she raely sick my dad said well shes on the phone right now and says hi well bye
on 23 Oct 2006 at 4:29 pm # Chrisitne
Okay, umm however comical I really don’t know how you are living through this chill factor. You use to freeze on the walk from our office to Oscar’s classroom. Hope you live through the winter! It’s only fall!
on 26 Oct 2006 at 3:10 pm # ninfa
Hi Mrs.Drake.I miss you.Are you having fun in Bulgaria?Are you a teacher in Bulgeria?If you get this letter please write back.
on 27 Oct 2006 at 2:43 am # Kristy
Hi, Ninfa! I miss you guys, too. I hope you are enjoying 5th grade. I am kind of a teacher here…I am helping a few adults learn English. And I am writing articles for an English newspaper here. I like it here, but truthfully, I like San Diego better! I will be visiting around Thanksgiving time, so maybe I will see you at school…Behave! Do your homework! :)-Mrs. Drake
on 03 Nov 2006 at 9:29 am # DIANA
on 03 Nov 2006 at 9:30 am # IRMA
hey did you now i won v.p
on 08 Nov 2006 at 9:26 am # sherry
hi,mrs. drake how are you doing well down here it is realy hot.I miss you alot, and i also pray for you at night.I will always remember my loveable teacher.I will always think of you.Please write soon!!!!!
on 08 Nov 2006 at 9:29 am # sherry
By the way I love you and your dog!!!!!!
on 13 Nov 2006 at 3:06 pm # Carina
Hi,Mrs.Drake I really like your dog.I was with you for a little of time and then I move to Mrs.Chou’s class.But I went to after school reading with you.I hope you are having fun!And I’m so excited to see you in Thanksgiving!PLEASE WRITE SOON!!!!!!
on 14 Nov 2006 at 3:10 pm # Idalis
Dear MRS, Drake your dog looks funny but I think he wants to be warm
on 16 Nov 2006 at 8:17 pm # Ivana
Your puppy so cute with his scarf and everything he looks so warm!