Life in BG and Miscellaneous mark on 08 Feb 2007 11:41 am
Because The Next Step Was Padded Walls
There are many, many things here that could make me C.R.A.Z.Y. What with the pickpocketing, the unknown mystery meats, the lady at the tomato stand yelling at me because I touched her goods….the list goes on and on.
But the thing that has really gotten to me, believe it or not, is living in a place with naked white walls. Besides the fact that I can see every single speck of dirt and dog slobber, it’s just so…..white. Hospital-y. Psycho ward-y. As if they are afraid that colorful walls would make the wacky Americans in the building (who work nights, walk a hound, and pick up his poop) even more wacky.
We made a pact when we moved here that we would minimize the amount of money we spent on household goods. It is not-so-smart to buy a bunch of stuff that I will only use/see for a year. So we have lived in naked white walls for nearly SIX solid months now.
And I just couldn’t take it any. more.! So I splurged. On fancy wall decorations:
I have also saved most of the cards people have sent us (you people ROCK, by the way, on sending us mail. Other American ex-pats here are jealous of our fan club. And we looooooooooooooooove getting mail!!) and made a little display of them–which also includes a photo sent by my niece/nephew of our other hound at home, Lola. We just need to bring back a picture of Dakota and we will be all set–to love our dogs from afar, while they have forgotten our very names.
And finally, so I can mark the days off with big red Xs keep track of the time here, I found a half-priced calendar.
Who knew this San Diegan would find a SURFING calendar in a land-locked, post-Communist, Eastern bloc country? Heh. Heh.
The entire cost of my interior design was $12 U.S. Dollars. I had to be cheap, you know…….because I spent all that time yesterday handing out cash to all the gypsies.