Archive for the 'Miscellaneous' Category

A Way Up North

Or is it “Away up north”?  I’m not sure….anyways, the Canada pictures are up.  Just to recap the trip: We spent the week with Mark’s partner, heretofore referred to as The Canuck.  We went out crabbing, took scenic drives, fished, and cruised downtown Victoria.  The place was AMAZING!!!  The scenery truly was breathtaking and I […]


Still here….still kicking…still no Spain and Canada pictures. Sorry. This work thing is really taking over my life. And let’s just say that it hasn’t exactly been “easing back into” the place. Ooooohhhhhhh noooooooooo. It’s been just short of solid misery, what with my relaxed, chill-out, been-on-vacation-for-like-12-months state of mind juxtaposed with the ugly demands […]

All At Once

We are nearing the end of our year here, and therefore, the end of the blog. I have put up a few posts today to try to encapsulate our time here in Victoria. In the next few days I hope to have time to post all the Spain and Canada pictures in the Gallery (they […]

A Picture Ode to our Hound

Well, we knew the day would come when we would outlive our hound. And it has happened. A couple of days ago, Guiseppe (who is at home in San Diego) slipped a disc/some discs in his back. This is a problem among elderly bassets and we had it happen with our other basset, Tank. Turns […]

School’s Out…For The Summer

All you oldies–you know the song I am referencing, don’t act like you don’t!! So, Logan Elementary is almost out of school for the summer. And I can already tell they are excited. So this is where I do the obligatory teacher thing and give all you kids summer advice: 1. READ. Feel free to […]

Sad, Sad News

While I have been away I have gotten two doses of very sad news. One is that my best friend’s mom lost her battle with cancer and passed away. Today, I am missing her funeral which saddens me terribly. The other is that a friend of mine from church who was a regular reader and […]

Pictures From The Homefront

This is what our hound thinks of us leaving him behind (click to enlarge):                    You can tell by his demeanor that he is deeply distraught, woeful…can barely seem to get on with his life without us. (Oddly enough, his companion hound seems to have a similar pose.  Hmmm.  What […]


When we are in Bulgaria, I sometimes help Mark’s employees with their English. Well, while we were gone, one of his employees was trying to explain what a FAQ (frequently asked questions) was. He told the client they get a fah-Q with their website. If you read it right, it’s funny…get it? get it? So, […]

Aaaallllllll Byyyyyy Myyyyself

Well, I’m down to one more week before we head off. My brother and sister-in-law have gone to Hawaii for next week and Mark is in Canada for the long weekend. So I get the house to myself. heh heh. My plans are highly exciting. I will be sleeping, reading, and doing laundry. I also […]

California, er…Bulgaria…Here We Come

Yup. That’s right folks! We will be returning to the Land of Cucumber and Tomato at the end of May. With our new, legal visa status, we can go back whenever we want. Even better, we can enter and exit the country as often as we choose, AND I can work. Granted, since we are […]