Archive for the 'Life in BG' Category


Did I mention it is super hot here? Oh, I did? Well, I must mention it again. REALLY HOT! And it is seriously affecting my productivity levels. I know, I know…what productivity, you say?? I mean, I AM in temporary retirement, so how productive need I be? Believe it or not, I have a lot […]

Santee–Eastern Bloc Style

As most of you know (and for those of you who don’t, consider this my confession), I grew up in a small suburb of San Diego called Santee. Loganites–stop laughing at me! And as much as I tease Santee for being a small town and oh-so conservative, I really did have an excellent childhood there. […]

Mother In Law Diaries, Days 6-9

Since we spent all these days at the Black Sea, it makes sense to lump them together. Day 6 We headed to Albena, a resort at the Black Sea by plane. We got to the airport nice and early and had an easy check-in. And then we waited and waited and…waited. First in one area […]

Mother In Law Diaries, Day 5

And we’re back where left off those oh-so many weeks ago before I left for my European Extravanganza….back to the visit from Linda, Mark’s mom. When I left, we were on Day 4, our adventure to Rila Monastery….you will recall that??? So, we clearly needed a day of rest before another major adventure, such as […]

The Consummate Narcissist

So…I learned that when you travel alone, you can’t really get too many pictures of yourself. And I like scenery shots as much as the next person…that is to say that they get boring after a while and sometimes you just want to see a familiar face. Plus, you have to prove you were actually […]

Mother In Law Diaries…Day 4

Rila Monastery And so we set out for an adventure, Linda and I. If you have never been here, you should know that Rila Monastery is not the easiest place to get to, but so so so worth seeing. I had read in the bible that a bus left Sofia Ovcha Kupel bus station at […]

Mother In Law Diaries…Day 3

Also known as THE HOTTEST WALK EVER. So, we began the day in our one air conditioned room with a nice, quiet breakfast, planning the day ahead. The plan was to show Mark’s mom the city sights in Sofia. (She will heretofore be known as “Linda”. Ok,ok who am I fooling? That’s her real name. […]

Mother In Law Diaries…Days 1/2

As I mentioned previously, Mark’s mom is here on a visit. I know…an American HERE to visit US. Shocking. Who woulda thought it? So, she arrived on Saturday night and we picked her up at the airport. We were trying to show our hospitality by not just making her find her own way to our […]

Don’t Leave Me

Don’t leave the blog.  Really I am still here.  It is just that Mark’s mom and I are KILLING this place.  I mean, touring everything and seeing everything and it leaves me little time and less energy to write at night.  But we have taken some cool pictures and we have funny stories, so stick […]

Marko Columbus

So….yesterday….I decided to expose Mark’s night crew to the beauty that is Mexican food. You will recall that I brought over a bag of limes and dried cilantro. I had all the ingredients ready to make salsa, except for the hot chile. Mark and I ventured out before our midday walk to his office to […]