Visiting home in SD mark on 21 Apr 2007 08:35 am
So, since we have been here, we have been staying with my brother, sister-in-law, and two year old nephew. Technically, he’s not two yet, but he will be in a couple of weeks. His name is Daniel, but we have renamed him Diggy, after Rev Run’s son Daniel who they call Diggy. Don’t ask….
Diggy is full of funny tricks. For example, at night, when it’s time to go to bed, he excitedly runs to his room and YELLS at us “‘Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!”, blows a kiss and plows into his crib. He loves to count. He does well up to the number 10, but then skips to his all time favorite number, 13. When he gets mad or is starting to throw a tantrum, for some unknown reason, he decides to close his eyes while crying and walks around until he runs into something, thereby compunding the reasons for crying. It’s like he is playing Blind Man’s Bluff–do you know that game?
But the best trick of all…in my Republican family…is that I have now sufficiently trained him to correctly identify Barack Obama. He can’t quite say the full name yet, but he can point to the picture. And he does so with such zeal and enthusiasm, as if he LOVES Barack. I whisper to him how Barack will be our next president.
Heh. Heh.
So now we have a war here. My brother is teaching Diggy to call me “Sissy”, which I HATE!!! He thought it would be easier to say than Kristy, but I would prefer to remain nameless. Now Diggy says “Sissy” occasionally, so I have to retaliate with some bold Barack Obama move. And I have a plan. But I cannot reveal it here. Not just yet. The spies could be reading. But I’ll keep you posted…