
And that’s just what we’ve been doing. We have decided that our mission while we are here at home is to add a layer of blubber that will insulate us for the winter. Think of a whale, as it prepares for its time in the icy Arctic waters. Yes, that’s us! We have eaten our way through San Diego and all our food cravings have been filled. Well….mostly. I mean, can you ever get enough of these:


or these:


The weather has been crazy warm here. Even though I could hardly wait to be here and feel the sunshine, the heat in November makes me worry about global warming. Seriously, it does. They spotted an iceberg off the coast of New Zealand the other day, so who knows when we could see one here? I am even more convinced I need to switch to a hybrid car…just as soon as our money begins to sprout on trees… 🙂
We have at least another week and a half here, depending on the Consulate and their ability to process our visa (that is a whole other story to tell…our day at the Bulgarian Consulate in L.A….look for it soon!). I have visited nearly everyone at least once, and I am going on to Round 2, once I get through my To-Do List:

  1. Eat more food to gain more blubber.
  2. Get skis out of storage. Have them tuned.
  3. Buy food products to put in suitcase and smuggle back.
  4. Find ski clothes in storage and pack them with said skis.
  5. Buy cotton tights to wear under pants in freezing cold Sofia snow.
  6. Eat more food to gain more blubber.
  7. Look through classroom supplies to bring back some teaching aids for my (keep your fingers crossed) hopefully new job teaching a few classes at a high school.
  8. Check daily on visas (see visit to Consulate) in order to obtain above job.
  9. Eat more food to gain more blubber (at this point, perhaps a seal or small shark?)

Well that about sums it up. What I have left to do here: my list, have a social life akin to Paris Hilton, warm up alongside the planet, and eat.