Life in BG mark on 25 Aug 2006 12:39 pm
How to use this blog
First: What is a blog? Well, it is like my own journal, only it is written on the internet so everyone can read it. “Blog” is short for “weblog” which means a log, or journal on the web (another word for Internet).
Before you start reading about my adventures, here are some directions on how to use the blog:
* A “post” is the little story that I write.
* The words in the post that are in a different color mean you can click on them and see a picture or read some extra information.
* If you want to say something about a post, just click on the word “comments” below the post and write what you want to say. ****Remember to write your name after your comment, or I won’t know who wrote the comment!******
I really like reading your comments. Tell me what you learned or what you think about what I wrote. Maybe you will have some questions. Ask them in the comments section, and I will try my best to answer them! I hope you enjoy reading about my year in Bulgaria!!!
on 04 Sep 2006 at 5:32 pm # Gloria Rakoncza
I’m Raquel’s mother from Stockton. She told me about your site this morning so I had to take a peek. I have been wondering so long what “blog” meant. Now I know! Thank you. I’ve leaving for Italy tomorrow so do not have time to read all your “posts” but may check in on my travels. Good luck to you and God bless.
on 18 Sep 2006 at 5:24 pm # Vi Gassman
I too learned from you just what a blog is! This is so much fun. But with all the time it takes to do the wash and shop,you must be a really fast typist! Vi