Life in BG mark on 06 Nov 2006 01:44 pm
Oh the Places You’ll Go…
Or better yet, the places we went! All in one weekend! I have tons of stuff to write about Plovdiv and Rila, but we just got home, it’s night time and time to eat, and we’re exhausted. The short version is…IT WAS AWESOME!! WE LOVED IT!!! Both places were fantastic, way better than we even thought they would be…actually worth being here just to see these places. So, to hold you over until I can write the whole story tomorrow, I did take the time to upload a few Plovdiv pictures in the gallery on the right (you know…the one with the yellow church). Enjoy! We did! 🙂
on 07 Nov 2006 at 11:29 am # Mr. Villar
Hi Kristi, how are you? I been meaning to write to you, but you know how it is….the good thing is that everyone updates me on your adventures periodically, and at least I can feel like I am keeping up with your doings. I thought for a moment you might be coming back…but I guess we’ll just have to wait longer. School is good, kids are doing great. Today is picture day and it’s a bit hectic. Listen, go to go, but I’ll email you later.
on 07 Nov 2006 at 1:00 pm # Kristy
Happy Picture Day, Logan!!! Now THAT is something I really do NOT miss, even though I miss all of you!!!
on 08 Nov 2006 at 9:28 am # Jenier Rodriguez
dear mrs.drake how are you?why haven`t writen back? Are you bussy?NO JUST KIDING. I`M really good in math.And alittle bit in math.take care.
sincerely Jenniufer Rodriguez.
on 17 Dec 2006 at 11:12 pm # gabrielle
Whats up miss drake how have you been.Ask mr.v if im his movie person as always i am.jenny didn’t make sence were n vaca wo ho
peace out