Life in BG mark on 15 Jun 2007 09:03 am
Sorry ’bout that…I told you there would be a new album and then…well, then I got tired (it was past midnight here), and then the next day came and then I had a bad internet connection what’s new?, and then, well, then…the dog ate my homework…
But it’s there now. Go check it out! Kanye has some more photos and when I get them from her, I will add them. But there are plenty to see now.
Also, a few notes for y’all. If you leave me a comment, you may have noticed that it will tell you it has to wait for approval from me. Now, I am not trying to be all powerful or anything. It’s just that I have been getting more and more spam, and no matter how many words I blacklist, those crafty devils still manage to find a way to hit my blog with all kinds of inappropriate messages and links. So I check each day and approve ALL the normal comments. Please, don’t be afraid of that little “waiting for approval” message. I LOVE getting comments. Keep ’em comin’.
Also, I am responding to your comments (if you asked a question, or in the case of my brothers, leave a smart remark and I.just.can’ in the same comments section where you leave it. So you have to go back to the post where you originally wrote it and check.
Lastly, I must say zdrasti (hello!) to all the people who found my blog on accident and are reading it. I had intended it to be for my students back home and perhaps a few family members and friends. But I have found that there are all kinds of people who are reading this. I appreciate your comments and nice emails and I hope you are enjoying the little stories…and that my unique brand of “humor” does not offend you. I apologize that my pictures and stories do not include more real people, but I am pretty cogniscient of people’s privacy. (This all hearkens back to a time that I found my name and pitcure on someone else’s website and I had no idea it would be there, and well, it just felt wrong.) So there are no stories or pictures of people who don’t give me permission first.
I have been really amazed that anyone would find this, let alone actually read it. .So….thanks!
Ok, that’s all for now. Ciao, ciao!
on 16 Jun 2007 at 5:26 pm # Kathy
Hey, the latest pics are gorgeous. I’m glad you are finally out of that dreadfully cold winter…brrr…enquiring minds want to know, though, did you ever figure out the cause of the swelling feet?
on 17 Jun 2007 at 10:36 am # Kristy
Nope..think it was just the elevation, lack of water, too much traveling in a short period…who knows? But it hasn’t been back since.