Life in BG and Travels abroad mark on 06 Jan 2007 04:42 am
Village People
Everyone here tells us that you can’t have the “true Bulgarian experience” unless you stay in a small village at least once. So, off we go. to a very small village called Tsavet for the weekend. It is a 6 hour bus ride there (ouch! I know, but there should be some beautiful scenery). We will stay at a Peace Corps volunteer’s place–I met him through another friend and we are all going together this weekend.
We will spend our time there experiencing “true Bulgaria”, whatever that means, then take a night train back to Sofia, ending up here on Monday morning at 7:15. So, we’ll be able to check two adventures off our list: 1. the village, and 2. the night train.
Maybe we’ll visit a YMCA (get it? like the band? hahahahaha)