Visiting home in SD mark on 04 Dec 2006 11:32 pm
We’re Still Here…
So, the visas will NOT be here in time for us to make our original flight home. And we don’t know when the visas will be here, so we’re still here. We hear it’s freezing at “home”, so it’s not the end of the world to hang out a bit longer in San Diego. But we have definitely noticed the difference in the cost of living here *cough* *cough*!
I am going to spend the remainder of my time here volunteering at school to help administer some tests. I am also determined to work out daily to begin to lose a few of the pounds my beloved Mexican food packed on me….we’ll see how that goes…and I will enjoy as much of the sunshine and ocean as I possibly can.
But I do miss my hound in Bulgaria…and my little jobs there…and my little flat…and my new friends. So hopefully, we’ll get to return soon!