Life in BG and Miscellaneous mark on 07 Mar 2007 11:26 am
Who Knew?
I have finally tired of CNN (although I confess to being riveted by King Abdullah II’s speech before Congress today) and have moved on to Animal Planet while I clean out cupboards and begin packing. Last night I watched a whole documentary on elephants. Perhaps you would like to know a few facts??? Mark just fell asleep at 2:00 this morning (after work) when I was trying to tell him my newfound learnings:
* An elephant can hold 9 liters of water in its trunk at a time. This is more than three times the amount of liquid humans drink in a day.
* In 5 minutes, an elephant can drink a whole bathtub full of water.
* The elephant loses 5 liters of water through its skin every hour of the day.
* There are special vibration sensors in the elephant’s feet and trunk.
* Speaking of the trunk, there are more than 100,000 muscles in the elephant trunk and it is the most versatile appendage in all of mammalia, acting as a nose, arm, and hand.
* Baby elephants drink 25 liters of milk from their mother every day.
* Baby elephants eat other elephants’ poop (yes I said the word poop!) in order to jumpstart its digestive system.
Aren’t you fascinated? I know I was. Tonight: Sloths. I’ve already learned that the only time a sloth is in a hurry is when it has to go….poop! Ha. The word again.
Stay tuned!